Many people still ask the question: Are whitening toothpastes bad for my teeth or is that a myth?
The use of whitening toothpastes and similar products have not been proven to cause any permanent damage to the teeth of people who use it. The key? The key is using the whitening products according to the directions on the package!
Using too much of the whitening toothpaste is generally what causes most of the damage to your teeth over time.
The following are some tips and tricks to ensure that you are using your whitening toothpaste to help your teeth rather than hurt them in the long run.
Choose a Gentler Toothpaste
Some whitening toothpastes are less abrasive than others. Choosing a less abrasive toothpaste can help you get the whitening effects while minimizing or avoiding the side effects of some of the harsh chemicals in other toothpaste, such as the wearing away of the enamel.
Use Only the Recommended Amount of Whitening Toothpastes
Often, overexposure to whitening toothpaste is what gives these types of toothpastes a bad name. Use only the amount directed on the packaging each time you brush, and limit the brushing to twice per day as recommended by your dentist.
Choose a Soft Bristle Toothbrush
Using the softest bristle toothbrush you can buy cuts down on the abrasion that your teeth will have to endure and makes the brushing a “gentler” experience for your teeth. Even medium bristle brushes can become harsh on your teeth, so soft bristle brushes are your best bet. If you’re not sure, ask your dentist recommendations for what brushes they would choose.
Brush Gently
Many people scrub far too hard when they brush their teeth, which can cause additional wear of the enamel that is not otherwise necessary.
You need very little pressure when you brush your teeth. Brushing in small, round, gentle circular motions is far more productive than scrubbing vigorously. Scrubbing vigorously can ruin the protective layer of your enamel far quicker than using the appropriate amount of whitening toothpaste would.
These tips can help you safely use whitening toothpaste with a goal of getting the pearly white smile you always dreamed of without the additional damage that many people fear. However, continuously brushing harshly and using massive glops of whitening toothpaste is where many people run into issues.
When used according to instructions, using whitening toothpaste has come to be known as a generally safe practice! If you have concerns about your oral health habits or questions about the use of whitening toothpaste, please feel free to contact us at Fisher Pointe Dental for assistance.