You continuously hear about fluoride, but do you really know what it is? Do you really understand the benefits of fluoride treatment on your dental health? Most likely, it’s one of those things that you just accept without actually understanding, so here are some basic facts about fluoride and fluoride treatment to help you make the best decisions.
What is fluoride?
According to MouthHealthy, fluoride is “nature’s cavity fighter and for good reason. Fluoride, a naturally-occurring mineral, helps prevent cavities in children and adults by making the outer surface of your teeth (enamel) more resistant to the acid attacks that cause tooth decay.”
Where does fluoride come from?
Fluoride occurs in varying levels in natural bodies of water and in some foods. It can also be created, and it becomes part of your saliva after you consume it.
How does fluoride work?
Strong teeth are healthy teeth, and fluoride works to make the tooth enamel stronger. It can also help reverse tooth decay in its early stages.
Do I need fluoride treatments?
In general, everyone could benefit from fluoride treatment in order to maintain good oral health. Some factors, however, may increase your need for such treatment. These include:
- poor oral hygiene or a lack of dental care
- eating disorders
- substance abuse, including alcohol
- existing cavities or fillings
- dry mouth
How can I be treated with fluoride?
The American Dental Association classifies fluoride treatments as systemic or topical.
Systemic treatments involve swallowing fluoride in the form of drinking water or fluoride supplements. As of 2014, about 74% of Americans (and 92% of Michiganders) using community water systems are receiving fluoridated water. Fluoride supplements can be prescribed by your dentist or purchased over the counter.
Topical treatments are applied directly to the teeth such as through the use of fluoridated toothpaste or mouthwash. Your dentist can also apply a higher concentration of fluoride in the form of gels, foams, or varnishes. These are simple treatments and can be done very quickly during an office visit and can be repeated every three to 12 months.
If you are in the Grosse Pointe area and would like to learn more about Fisher Pointe Dental’s fluoride treatments and how we can help improve your oral health, please contact us through our website or by phone at (313) 379-5726.