We know you love that super spicy tomato-based pasta and that creamy cheesecake with chocolate pieces and caramel drizzle. Or a burrito doused in sauces and sour cream. Or that make-it-yourself yogurt topped with gummy candies, frosted flakes, brownie pieces, and a cherry on top … if that’s your thing. You can’t avoid acidic foods,…
Amazing Fact of the Day: A baby is born with all of its teeth. That’s right. All 20 baby teeth are right there. You just can’t see them, because it takes four to six months for them to start poking through the gums. This is just one of the fascinating facts about baby teeth and…
A dental bridge can be an excellent way to replace a missing tooth or teeth, and your insurance may even cover it. If you have decided to have one placed, you may wish to understand what living with a dental bridge is like first. Overall, it’s not much different than living with your natural teeth….
No doubt, you’ve heard that stress affects your heart, mind, diet, gut health, cognitive health, and even your daily behaviors. But there’s one aspect that many people fail to discuss, and that is how stress affects oral health. Whether you’re conscious of them or not, stress leads to many biological reactions or habits that are…
Unless you’re one of the lucky ones, you’ve probably had a dental filling once or twice in your life. Relatively speaking, it is one of the fastest dental procedures, although it might not feel like it while you’re sitting in that chair. Patients who can follow along with the steps involved in a dental filling…
Do you wake up with a tight jaw, sore face, or dull headache? If so, you may be grinding your teeth while you sleep. Teeth grinding or clenching, also known as bruxism, is a relatively common condition. It usually occurs at night while you’re asleep but can also happen while you’re awake as you unconsciously…
We all know how important it is to visit the dentist every six months for a cleaning and checkup, but for those who skip those twice yearly appointments, you may need some extra care in the form of dental scaling. Over the course of time, plaque builds up in everyone’s mouth. Saliva, bacteria, and proteins…
Taking care of your teeth at least two times a day is a must for a mouth that’s healthy and clean. If you skip brushing and flossing, it can lead to many problems, including gingivitis. Gingivitis is a condition that most people don’t even know they have because it’s relatively painless. It starts with a…
You’ve probably heard a lot about charcoal toothpaste lately. Celebrities have embraced it, and it seems like everyone is talking about it on social media. Before you go shopping for a tube, you need to know what the hype is about and the potential dangers of charcoal toothpaste. The Charcoal Toothpaste Trend: All the Hype…
Everyone is always telling us to drink more water. It does feel a little annoying, but deep down, we all know it’s true. Water is an amazing thing, and drinking it has countless health benefits. In case you need a little more motivation to trade a flavored drink for a glass of simple water, you…